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Ayu, 28 y.o.
Surabaya, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2013
Hey Ayu =D
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2013
hi tia, i am Elaine, nice to meet you.:)
inactive user
Yeah, most of the day. In my case, I have 13 classes everyday. 7 of them are for 50mins, and 6 are for 45mins. But some other students have 7 classes just like me and after 7th class, attend after school programs and have self-study until 10.lunch and dinner time is almost 1 hour long. In the morning, students have daily test and after the last class of the day, some stay at school till 12 or more for self-study:)
inactive user
Yeah, but being with friends for a long time is fairly enjoyable:D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2013
Look at this haha
This is a mistake because I
lol okay, I do not make mistakes like that sometimes :)
I studied for two years in college.
Then at a resort or hotel and Practice
I've been working at the hotel
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2013
Sorry ~
If you study it while cooking directly
That means skills were to arise
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2013
Right. I was wondering if you ask.
But that is the best way to cook from basic theory
Having to learn, but it's better than the theoretical
Effective direct haebomyeon's faster that neulsu
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2013
Cook wondering about you?
Or get curious about cooking?
I am able to teach at any time if you need to you can.
inactive user
You'll make it:)
inactive user
Hey:) Glad to meet you. Thanks for visiting my page, and I'm sorry for such late response;'( I'm happy to know that you're interested in our culture! Of course I'd love to talk about it:D
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