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Andinia, 29 y.o.
Bandung, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 146.
inactive user
Hey Dini! Rashmi from India, this side. If you remember we used to be friends on this site few years back. However, due to some unavoidable reasons, I had to stop using this platform for a while. But later when I joined once again, I found you had blocked me. That profile is no longer working but I have created a new one, hoping to reconnect with some of awesome people, I remember meeting.

Anyway, may I know the reason of blocking me here, even though we were getting along so well?

Wish you all the luck
inactive user
kalo aku sempat balas ya balas, kalo gak ya maaf ya^^ aku ngerjain tugas atau nonton film hehe
inactive user
hey hooooo, Andin.. nda kemana2 disini aja, sambil ngerjain tugas, kamu ramah banget ya orangnya, mau nulis di wall aku segala XD
aku biasa online biasa gak, kalau lagi banyak tugas ya aku sambil online, kalo gak ya berarti main2 sama kawan2
inactive user
Hello back, my sweet Dini :)
Happy September, you too.. Even though it's on the verge of ending hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2018
The story of all friend that I get here..suka banget bacanya.. 😍
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2018
Jangan, mbak. Biar orang penasaran gitu.
Makasih, mbak.. Suksea terus. Suka banget deh baca notenya kakak
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2018
Makasih sudah liat profilku... :)
inactive user
salam alikum
beautiful face with smile
happy life for you and all family
inactive user
Miaaawww XD XD oklah ok ok :)
baik2 aja, iya musim durian, disana? suka makan durian kah?
inactive user
Apa kababs?
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