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Aline, 30 y.o.
Emmen, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
inactive user
Ik heb me toch weer bedacht. :D
Ik heb alleen twee saaie gesprekken via messages, en verder niet, en ik ben te lui om zelf meer mensen aan te spreken.
Doei. :D
inactive user
inactive user
Omg waarom heeft Jano dr profiel alweer verwijdert? O.o
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2010
I'm great thanks :) how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2010
That's fine :)
I'm Amazing !!! Just finished school for Christmas, So I'm REALLY happy :D
Well were I live there's about 2inches of snow.
Wow! I ♥ your playlist...COLDPLAY
And Wonderwall is just amazing.
haha, And you live in NL !!! I'v just been there with school debating with the united nations. The people were so cool there :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2010
Thank you :)
inactive user
I'm fine, thanks! everything's ok. How about u?
inactive user
Haha, maar jouw wall onderspammen is ook zo asociaal. :')


En nu dus eindelijk tijd voor Interpals. :D
inactive user
Not at all. A bit? :)
Oh that's good and sounds cosy. With family.. Actually we don't celebrate as western people do. Christmas is special day, though. We don't have christmas holiday or something. Maybe it's like couple day in korea. Haha
What band? You mean music?
I had a part time job interview. But i don't know if i passed or not. I will work. And like you, gonna join a band again. I gave up my previous band for senior school work.
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