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Ali, 30 y.o.
Tehran, Iran [Current City]


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Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2015
If it was private then why you didn't send her a private message
Dont deny that the oil did not lead to the development of your country and we are not recognized for our oil
It is because of our evolutionary aspects of architecture and oil economic commodity used by all counties don't boast much in your country there is nothing to make you proud of it and review your past because you have a horrible past and everybody know about that,
Are you here to make fun of other countries or Boast your country
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2015
Who you think you are to judge on her country , it's not because of their famous football teams they actually have other things to be proud of , you have no right to say their culture has no identity and don't talk about something you don't know BTW are you sick .
inactive user
Autodidact. :) I'm learning Spanish in this way, and I think it's works. Anyway in the high school, I learn French in course. :) I like it but I find it a bit difficult.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2015
I never offend your country or any other country. You reminded me of a game in which Brazil lost and I reminded you that iran won none. But I never offend their culture.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2015
It was a very sad day! hahahah
How many games Iran won the Cup? I do not remember, you could answer me if gained some? haha
inactive user
Thank you :) ....امين
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2014
Hey I'm Johanna and I'm so fvcked up due to tomorrow's exam x_x east is still awesome as usual, how about middle-east? I hope Iran hasn't been conquered by ISIS. I think I'll want to be a notary what about you? :)
inactive user
Hey ! Yes I am :-(
They are dangerous ! But we can't do anything !!
inactive user
None Of your shit business Go play with kids Selfish uncultured STUPID
inactive user
man faghat mikhastam komak konam be bazi az dostam!!!
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