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Adamned, 39 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3085.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2017
haha long time no see... sorry
inactive user
Well.. Since summer is coming closer and closer, there's more work at school to do but nothing that cannot be done :D
inactive user
My weekend wasn't half bad either. Thanks for asking. So, you do sports as I can see? :)
inactive user
Thank you! The same to you :) How was your weekend?
inactive user
Oh! Your own channel? Cool cool! I'll check it out as soon as I can :)

What am I busy with? Like seriously, why does people keep asking me that?! I am busy with life.. >_> Sorry, didn't want to sound mean but I do get a bit pissed when someone asks me again, what I am busy with..

Have a good rest of the week :)
inactive user
No worries. Hope you've been doing well :) I'm good but busy as always. How about you?
inactive user
Oh! You had a birthday? Happy late birthday then, I hope you had an awesome one :D
I managed to get sick, went to see my doc today, hope fully I will be fine in no time :)
Yes, we had the first snow. Though, it's melting already, it's so depressing outside.. =/ How about there? Did the first snow come already?
inactive user
Oh really? Here is Estonia elementary is algkool, middle school is põhikool, high school is keskkool and university is ülikool. The word ''kool'' means school, so as you can see, from elementary to university, all of the words in Estonian end with the word school xDD
Anyhow, how you doing? - I hope you're well :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2012
thank u :)
sooooooo cold here in winter. so, it's better to stay at home with delicious food XDDD
there is more warmer than here. so nice weather!! :)
haha study korean!!!!! XDD
good night and talk again later! :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2012
visit here again !! XDD
thank u! i hope i can find good job. :)
too cold here like winter. i think the autumn is gone XDD how's the weather there?? my italian? well, i used to study a book by myself. sometimes i skipped few days. so i restarted to study italian again by internet free course XD it's really interesting and makes me motivate. how about ur korean??
have a nice day!! ciao ciao!
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