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Sarita , 28 y.o.
Wichita, United States [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 158.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Yeah so it was just me looking too far into things :p
Im like those english teachers who look at a poem and go, "The blueness of the coat portrays the characters feelings and depression he felt drawing back to the 1800's" when in actual fact the writer probably just meant "The coat was blue."

The old stuff is so cool, Fatboy Slim (hes more funk but theres some rap), NWA, Vanilla Ice, Sugarhill Gang :p

They did! I dont really mind cause thats usually how i get into other genres :p I used to only listen to Indie/Alternative but people got me into punk, rock, drum and bass, hardstyle, certain screamo, acoustic and all that other stuff :)

Well, thats only cause i live here. I notice all the crapness :L It is a beautiful country and people are generally nice, happy and drunk most of the time haha
Was it sunny in those pictures?

Whats it like there? cause i speak to a few Americans the states are so different from each other!
inactive user
hello! how are you? (:
your name sounds a bit finnish :o
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Maybe im just looking far too into things but is Sarita something to do with your profile name "A Shining Star"? Sounds like thats its meaning :p

Yeah, i always thought "things are popular for a reason" so when people go "rap is shit" or whatever other genre they just dont get the reason why others like it. If you like drum n bass cause of the drums and the bass your not gonna find that in rap music :L
I do like rap! Mostly old rap, new rap not as much but still bits and pieces but i couldnt get into country :/

I have another penpal who sent me some of the best of country and i just couldnt get into it :(

Well i live in Scotland so its pretty dire :L
Its always raining and its full of wee neds and junkies running about on the west coast :/ Although there are some beautiful views! I think i put them in an album on Interpals :L

So what State in America are you from?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
How is that pronounced? I'm Kevin :)

I would tell you about me but i can just refer you to my profile rubbish ;)
Nothing more i can really say other than that haha
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2011
Hey! :)
inactive user
thanks for the profile view :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
you come here and see with your eyes, Georgia is steeped in more than thousands of years history, it is situated in caucasia, easter europe. its very traditional and its culture is very known in caucasia and in europe too. In country are many mountinues areas and very beautiful. come here and you will beleive
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
but when?????
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
you seem to be a nice girl, I wish I knew you and were good friends,eh!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2011
your welcome and I play the guitar and the piano too, I am keen on music. also I like playing chess and other games
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